Saturday, July 31, 2010

Be Careful with Attachments

There have been a number of really bad viruses just within the past 6 months. We've seen the W32.Beagle, W32.Netsky, MyDoom, and so on. Most of these viruses were transported or replicated from pc to pc-using email attachments. These are easy to spot if you're paying attention, simply because they are usually executable files, but not always.

Some attachments contain Macros (simple programs that run within other programs, all the titles in Microsoft Office use macros). If you're not that familiar with spotting file extensions, don't worry, that's what I'm here to talk about today. If you are a little hazy on the whole "file extension" thing then let's spend a few moments explaining it.

File extensions are what tell the program how to treat a particular piece of data. For example, most people are somewhat familiar with .doc or a .txt file extensions these are both text documents and when the user opens this file the Operating System looks at this extension and then knows how to open it.

Hackers try to use some sort of eye-grabbing ploy to get you to open their email and activate the virus, which is always an attachment. Most Anti-virus nowadays stops, or at least warns, you of these high risk attachments and even take measures to protect you. However, on the average 10-15 new viruses are created every day and I personally wouldn't count on any program to 100% protect my pc. That's why I scrutinize any email, if I wasn't expecting an attachment, I won't open it until I had a chance to talk to the sender.

Some of the more common file types used to hide viruses include:

.scr - Windows Screen Saver - USE CAUTION if you receive a screen saver via email. They can contain worms or viruses
.pif - DO NOT OPEN! This is most likely a virus. Clicking it will run a program or code that can mess up your computer.
.exe - executable file - a program that contains a virus, Trojan horse, or worm
.pps - MS PowerPoint (can contain macro virus)
.zip - Zip (compressed) file
.vbs - Visual Basic script
.bat - Executable MS-DOS batch file
.com - DOS executable command
.asp - active server page - internet script
.doc - Word document (can contain macro virus)
.xls - Excel file (can contain macro virus)

This is in no way a complete list. Just because an attachment may have one of these extensions doesn't mean that it is a virus, but it should send up warning flags. Hackers use clever subject lines, and viruses can appear to come from a friend so keep on your toes and don't fall victim to their deceptive traps. Scan those attachments and verify with the sender before opening.

Scanner Cleaning Tips

Digital scanner is a very popular input device. Its main purpose to translate images and text printed on the paper into electronic form that can be processed and stored by the computer.

To clean the scanner first unplugs your system power from the electrical outlet.

Always clean the glass of your scanner with any optical surface cleaning fluid.

This process should be done after every three months if you want to save your scanner life.

Laser Printer Cleaning Tips

Laser printer is the fastest, high quality and more expensive than inkjet printers and their printer quality is also higher. The print quality and printing speed of laser printers make ideal for offices and business. The printer is the most commonly used output device in office environment. That is why printer required extra care as compare to the other parts of the computer. There is no any difficulty to clean a printer if you have proper cleaning tools and methods.

Never place your printer on the ground, always use table or shelf for this purpose.

If you have the printer manufacturer manual, first read about on how to safe and clean it.

Now disconnect your printer from the back side of the computer and unplug power from the electrical outlet.

First use the compressed air to clean dust, toner powder from the outside and inner side of the printer.

Use lightly dampened cloth or cleaning fluid to clean the body of the printer and avoid to spraying fluid near any holes on the printer.

Use paper towel to clean the toner and brush to clean the inside of the printer.

Always cover your printer with dust cover when you are not using it

Mouse Cleaning Tips

The mouse is the most commonly used pointing device in windows environment on the personal computers. That is why mouse required extra care as compare to the other parts of the computer. You should clean your mouse when you feel the mouse is slow to move in different directions or making some strange movements.

First disconnect your mouse from the back side of the computer.

Now read the mouse manufacturer manual about your mouse model on how to safe and clean it.

Open the ball cover from the back side of the mouse and wash the ball then dry it with cloth.

Now clean dust in the inner side of the mouse specially removes the dust on the rollers with lightly dampened cotton bud. You can use the compressed air for this purpose.

At the end dry it and Re-assemble your mouse then connect with computer.

LCD Cleaning Tips

Flat panel monitors are commonly used in mobile devices such as laptop and table PCs. Similarly, smart phones, PDAs calculators have LCD screens. LCD screens are much softer than old CRT screens, so they required extra care as compare to the CRT Monitors.

First read the LCD manufacturer manual about your LCD model on how to safe and clean it.

To clean LCD monitor first unplugs your LCD power from the electrical outlet.

Never use dirty cloth, spray any cleaning fluids on the LCD screen and paper towel to dry it.

Always use dry cotton cloth to clean the fingerprints and dust on the LCD screen. You can use lightly dampened soft cloth if you feel any difficulty to clean the screen.

Keyboard Cleaning Tips

When the appearance of your computer keyboard is looking dirty, yellowish or some keys creating problem to work properly then you can understand about inner side of your keyboard keys dirty as outside.

To clean keyboard first shut down your computer then disconnect the keyboard.

Now use the compressed air with long nozzle and start clean all keys.

Use lightly dampened cloth or spray any cleaning fluids on the keyboard keys and use paper towel to dry it.

Try to use any cover of keyboard if you are working in high-dust environments.

Always be careful to eat or drink around the computer.

Headphones Cleaning Tips

You should clean your headphones on the regular basis because headphones are used by multiple people so that there are chances of spreading germs from one person to another.

Never leave your headphone in the sunlight because it can damage the magnet of headphone.

To clean the general area of headphone using lightly dampened cloth or spray any cleaning fluids.

Always use lightly dampened cloth with warm water to rub the head and earpieces of the headphones.

You should keep your headphones by hanging on the wall hook.


If your Floppy drive create problem during reading or writing floppy disc, taking time to read/write and showing message "Please insert a disc into drive A". These are the symptoms of dirty or weak floppy drive read/write heads. Therefore dirty heads can create errors in reading or writing and soon will not work at all.

Follow the given steps to care and clean a Floppy Drive.

First make sure your Floppy discs are clean, unscratched and you loaded it properly.

Always use head cleaning kit to clean drive heads that specially designed to clean the reading/writing heads. Floppy drive cleaning kit consists of cloth disk that can be wetted with a cleaning fluid.

Using Floppy drive cleaner kit properly to clean the heads from dust. If your drive still creating problem then open it and clean the heads with a cotton swab, but when performing this be careful about head alignment.

How to clean CD/DVD with care?

You can preserve the life of CD/DVD, if you handle and clean it properly, because dirty discs can create errors in reading or writing and soon discs will not work at all.

Follow the given steps to care and clean a CD/DVD.

Avoid to touching the writeable or data side of the CD/DVD.

Always hold your CD/DVD by its center hole or by the outer edges.

Keep away your discs from sunlight, heat and anything that may create scratch on the discs.

Always clean dust with a soft cloth or with a CD/DVD cleaning kit and avoid to clean with static cloth or harsh detergents.

Start work to clean from inside to outside in straight lines until the CD/DVD is clean.

Store your all discs vertically position and in dust free box.

CD-ROM Cleaning Tips

If your CD drive creating problem to read CD disc, taking time to read and showing message there is no disc in the drive. These are the symptoms of dirty or weak CD-drive lens, because dirty lens can create errors in reading or writing and soon will not work at all.

Follow the given steps to care and clean a CD-Drive.

First make sure your discs are clean, unscratched and you’re loaded it properly.

Always use laser lens cleaner to clean drive lens.

Insert the laser lens cleaner disc and play it for 2 to 3 min.

Using CD drive cleaner properly clean the CD-ROM laser from dust. If your drive still creating problem then open it and clean the lens with a cotton swab.

How to Clean computer Casing ?

When you noticed your computer case is looking yellowish then you can understand about inner side of your computer case as dirty as outside. Because Dust is the main cause to heat up your system and heat link to hardware failure. You can save your computer maintenance cost if you clean your computer on the regular basis.

Never place your computer on the ground, always use computer table or shelf for this purpose.

To clean computer case first unplugs your system power from the electrical outlet. Remove all cables and connectors from the back side of your computer.

Now use the compressed air and start clean from back to front of your computer case, specially casing and power supply fan.

At the end using lightly dampened cloth or spray any cleaning fluids on the computer case and use paper towel to dry it.

This process should be done after every three months if you want to save your system life.

Computer Cleaning Tools

Today there are many computer cleaning products and tools are available in the market. Many computer manufacturer guide the user about their products on how to safe and clean it. Some cleaning tools are available in market for internal computer components and for peripherals. Usually some household items are also helpful to clean the computers components.

Cloth - For computer cleaning use the lightly dampened cloth on the computer case and use paper towel to dry it. But avoid to cleaning inside computer components or other circuit board with damp or wet cloth.

Cleaning fluids - spray any cleaning fluids on the computer case and use paper towel to dry it.

Compressed air - use the compressed air and start clean from back to front of your computer case, specially casing and power supply fan.

Lens cleaning kit - Always use lens cleaning kit to clean drive lens that specially designed to clean the reading/writing devices.


You can save your computer maintenance cost if you clean your computer on the regular basis. This will improve the cooling and performance of the computer components. Your computer components could damage, if you do not keep it clean on periodically basis, because dust is the main cause to heat up your system and heat link to hardware failure.

Never place your computer on the ground, always use computer table or shelf for this purpose.
To clean computer case first unplugs your system power from the electrical outlet. Remove all cables and connectors from the back side of your computer.
Now blow the air around all the hardware components and keeping away your blower nozzle 4 to 5 inches away from main board components. You can use vacuum cleaner also for this purpose but compressed air is the better solution to clean a system.
At the end using lightly dampened cloth or spray any cleaning fluids on the computer case and use paper towel to dry it.
Never clean inside computer components or other circuit board with damp or wet cloth.
Always be careful to eat or drink around the computer.


You can save your computer maintenance cost if you clean your computer on the regular basis. This will improve the cooling and performance of the computer components. Your computer components could damage, if you do not keep it clean on periodically basis, because dust is the main cause to heat up your system and heat link to hardware failure.

Never place your computer on the ground, always use computer table or shelf for this purpose.
To clean computer case first unplugs your system power from the electrical outlet. Remove all cables and connectors from the back side of your computer.
Now blow the air around all the hardware components and keeping away your blower nozzle 4 to 5 inches away from main board components. You can use vacuum cleaner also for this purpose but compressed air is the better solution to clean a system.
At the end using lightly dampened cloth or spray any cleaning fluids on the computer case and use paper towel to dry it.
Never clean inside computer components or other circuit board with damp or wet cloth.
Always be careful to eat or drink around the computer.

How to Install Windows Live Essentials in Windows 7?

AS you start using Windows 7, you find out that a few of the good Windows applications are not there. It is very easy to take care of that. You can install Windows Live Essentials in Windows 7 and so get your desired Microsoft applications in your computer. You should install Windows Live Essentials in Windows 7 as Microsoft has not added a number of former applications e.g. Photo Gallery, Messenger and Mail in Windows 7. Jointly called the Windows Live Essentials, the group consists of Family Safety, toolbar, Writer, Mail, Movie Maker, Photo Gallery and Messenger. This group of applications is now accessible by a simple additional download. Microsoft has done this in order to renovate as well as make progress in those features and not disturbing the foundation of Windows 7.

To install Windows Live Essentials in Windows 7 and thus get the Microsoft applications, you have to follow these steps:

Click on the Start button.

Go to Getting Started in the Start menu.

Choose Get Windows Live Essentials.

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Win Press windows key to open start menu

Win+R Apply to open Run dialog box

Win+M Apply to minimize all opened windows

Win+Shift+M Apply to maximize all opened windows

Win+L Press keys to lock keyboard in windows XP

Win+E Press keys to open My Computer

Win+F Apply to open search options

Win+U Apply keys to open Utility Manager

Win+D To view desktop/minimize all windows

Win+F1 To view the detail windows help page

Win+Pause To view the System Properties dialog box

Win+Tab Move through taskbar programs

Win+F+Ctrl Apply to open search for computers

Alt+Tab Move through opened windows programs

Alt+F4 Press keys to close active windows program

Alt+Enter Apply to open properties of selected item

Alt+ SPACEBAR Open the system menu of active window

Alt+ SPACEBAR +N Press keys to minimize the active program

Alt+ SPACEBAR +R Press keys to restore the active program

Alt+ SPACEBAR+C Press keys to close the active program

Alt+ SPACEBAR+X Press keys to maximize the active program

Alt+ SPACEBAR+M Press keys to move the active program

Ctrl+Alt+Delete Apply to open windows task manager

Ctrl+Shift+Esc Apply to open windows task manager

Ctrl+Esc Press keys to open start menu

Shift Shift key to prevent CD from automatically playing

Shift+Delete To delete items permanently